Tuesday 8 February 2011

Business Cards

Due to my job with Red Bull doing promotions, I manage to collect a load of business cards, just for reference on the places we go. I recently realised actually how many I have collected in the last few months. Me, being someone who does not like to throw away anything, I end up with this huge pile of stuff. So I decided today to scan a few of them in. Not for any particular reason. Just something to write about I guess. 
 Me, being someone who does not like to throw away anything...

Looking at these business Cards, I notice that every single one uses a different type face. Oh how important a Type face is to a brand. I guess the type face says a lot about the brand identity, Lush with its curly, swirly type face, SPITFIRE with bold statement type face, Le Chien et Moi, quirky. 

It makes me wonder, If i had to use a typeface to promote  Natalie Sawyer, what type face would I use...maybe something to consider.

Write soon. x

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